
The site of all of the projects made by lastlegume.

4 November 2024

Do Google Apps Scripts update cells with time dependent functions like now() when the spreadsheet is closed?

by lastlegume

Yes. Or at least, as of November 2024, the answer appears to be yes.

First, let’s set up the problem. Let’s say that I have an Apps Script on a spreadsheet that gets the first sheet and copies the value in a cell to another cell each hour (done using a time-driven trigger). What happens if the value in this cell is now() (or some other equivalent function that changes with time) and the spreadsheet is completely closed? Similarly, what if the script copies a cell whose value is a modification of a cell that has a function like now()? Will it update the value for now() and the cell that modifies it when the trigger runs the script while the spreadsheet is closed, or does the spreadsheet have to be opened for the value of now() to update?

From my test spreadsheet, the answer to both is yes. The function test, replicated below, was run using a time-driven trigger every hour, copying a cell with now() and a cell that relied on the cell with now() into a new column.

function test() {
  let ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById("197LescivqlE4TWGDbm3ZTTJyzIhax1ghI4AfTEX03Co");
  let sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
  let val = sheet.getRange(1,1).getValue();


As you can see, the script, which has been running for weeks without being opened by me, has copied the value of now() as they were when it ran, not when the spreadsheet last opened. Likewise, for the cell that modified now(), its values are also correct. This is the expected behavior, but I couldn’t find confirmation anywhere, so I tested this to make sure before I relied on something with a potential flaw like this.

I work with Apps Scripts a fair amount, so I’ve struggled to find answers to questions like this a few times, so I wanted to create a few posts about niche questions like this in the hope that someone eventually can use this to answer the same question. I had a pretty sensitive script that relied on this question, and I couldn’t find anything that answered it, so I thought I would write something in the hopes that someone with a similar question in the future doesn’t have to test it themselves like I had to.

tags: cs - spreadsheets - apps_script